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Experts in behavior change using Nudge

José Moulin Netto

Diretor  Executivo

Tem 20 anos de experiência em consultoria de gestão e estratégia para organizações de ponta na Europa, America do Norte e do Sul, especialmente no Brasil. Criou empresas de consultoria, desenvolveu equipes e abriu escritórios em São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro e Buenos Aires. Foi fundador e é presidente do conselho do Green Building Council Brasil. Foi Diretor do World Green Building Council. 

Desde 2014, vem se especializando em Ciência Comportamental Aplicada tendo participado e palestrado em conferências e seminários internacionais. Conduziu diversos projetos de impacto o que levou a criação da NudgeRio, a primeira nudge unit no Brasil. Em 2019, participou do workshop Behavioural Science in Practice organizado pelo Behavioural Insights Team e Warwick Business School.


Formação: Engenheiro Mecânico pela UFRJ, MBA pela Wharton School, Univ. da Pensilvânia e Pós-Graduação em Liderança e Gestão Pública pelo CLP / Harvard Kennedy School. 

What are Nudges?

Based on Applied Behavioural Science,

Nudges are gentle encouragements

that can influence choices and behavioural decisions.


What we do?

We combine Nudges to help organizations

 increase the effectiveness of their initiatives.


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Daniel Rosenfeld

Diretor de Projetos

Possui mais de 15 anos de experiência em planejamento, operações, redesenho de processos e gestão de projetos:


  • Conduzindo projetos Nudge de aumento de efetividade de cobrança para uma das maiores financeiras do Brasil

  • Foi PMO no maior processo de fusão do setor financeiro do Brasil

  • Implementou serviços e processos inovadores no maior banco brasileiro

  • Desenvolveu estudos para gestão de empresas e equipes comerciais

  • Criou e estruturou startup de rastreamento e streaming 


Palestrante no Brasil e no exterior e mentor de startups pela InovAtiva Brasil.

Formação: Engenheiro Civil pela Escola Politécnica (USP)
​, MBA pela Fundação Getúlio Vargas (EAESP), e Lean Six Sigma pela Fundação Vanzolini (Poli-USP).

Rafaela Bastos

About US

About Us

We are a team of experts in behavioral change using Nudge:

  • With many projects in different areas of behavior change and choices.

  • With doctoral, master's and postgraduate degrees in areas related to behavioral and data science.

  • With participation in workshops and international conferences in London, New York, Cambridge and Toronto.


Our clientes are coauthrors in our projects:

  1. Detailed understanding of the improvement opportunity, generating human-centered insights;

  2. Design of different Approaches for behavioural change, combining  cognitive nudges based on heuristics and bieses, incorporating the most recent discoveries in Applied Behavioural Science;

  3. Identification of the most effective Approaches to behavioural change, by segment, with statistical validation, using Randomized Controlled Trials – RCTs, whenever possible;

  4. Planning the deployment of the most effective Approaches, by segment, including continuous monitoring and improvement .


José Moulin Netto

Executive Director

He has 20 years of experience in management and strategy consulting for leading organisations in Europe, North and South America. He has created consulting companies, developed teams and opened offices in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Buenos Aires. He was the founder and chairman of the Green Building Council Brasil and was Director of the World Green Building Council.


Since 2014, he has been specialising in Applied Behavioural Science having participated and lectured at national and international conferences and seminars in London, Cambridge, New York and Toronto, including the Behavioural Science in Practice workshop organised by the Behavioural Insights Team and Warwick Business School. He conducted several impact projects which led to the creation of NudgeRio, the first Nudge Unit in Brazil (article by British newspaper The Guardian).


Education: Mechanical Engineer from UFRJ, MBA from Wharton School, Univ. of Pennsylvania and Postgraduate in Leadership and Public Management from CLP / Harvard Kennedy School.

Daniel Rosenfeld

Projects Director

He has over 15 years of experience in planning, operations, process redesign and project management:


  • Conducting Nudge projects to increase collection effectiveness for one of the largest financial companies in Brazil

  • Was a PMO in the largest merger process in the financial sector in Brazil

  • Implemented innovative services and processes at the largest Brazilian bank

  • Developed studies for management of companies and commercial teams

  • Created and structured a tracking and streaming startup


Speaker, mentor and appraiser of startups in Brazil, North America and Latin America.


Education: Civil Engineer from the University of São Paulo, MBA from Getúlio Vargas Foundation, Lean Six Sigma from Vanzolini Foundation - Poli-USP.

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Daniela Takehissa

Behavioural Scientist

She has 15 years of experience in Relationship Marketing, customer segmentation, product management and strategy:


  • Worked in the areas of products, channel strategy, profitability, customer retention and ombudsman in the financial / credit and health sectors.

  • Structured training programs in customer relations, and rationing rules (upsell, cross-sell and churn actions)

  • Has been working on Applied Behavioural Science projects (finance and sustainability)

  • Conducts lectures, workshops and work groups on the themes of relationship marketing and Applied Behavioural Science


She is a co-founder of She.conomics, whose objective is to foster the connection between entrepreneurs, democratising the theme of behavioural sciences in their businesses.


Education: Business Administration from FEI, specialisation in strategic administration from FIA, and MBA in Behavioural Economics from ESPM. Ombudsman certification by IBRC.

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Christiane Senra

Philosophy Consultant

She has ten years of experience conducting courses, lectures and classes on themes with a philosophical basis and six years of experience in organisational interior design projects:


  • Has been conducting lectures on purpose and engagement to foster employee well-being and organizational effectiveness

  • Designed organizational environments using behavioural science to improve work environment in several sectors

  • Produced a series of lectures on philosophical foundations in psychology.


Education: Philosophy at PUC-Rio and Architecture at Cândido Mendes University, postgraduate student in History of Art and Architecture of Brazil at PUC-Rio

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Ricardo Baltazar

Neuroscience, Behavioural and Data Science Advisor

Since 2013, Ricardo specializes in behavioural science, data science and UI / UX. For the past few years, he has been Associate Vice President at one of Canada's largest retail companies.


As a result, he has been implementing successful behaviour change initiatives based on real customer experiences to improve the company's performance, including increased margin and sales volume.


For three years he was Visiting Scholar at the University of Michigan.


Education: B.Sc. in Neuroscience / Psychology from the University of Toronto and PhD in Neuroscience from the University of Western Ontario.

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Artur Mascarenhas

Diretor de Projetos e Cientista Comportamental

Tem 20 anos de experiência em empreendedorismo, franchising e gestão de negócios. Atuou em projetos de análise de viabilidade econômica de novos negócios, seleção de franquias e operações de alimentos e bebidas.

Em Ciência Comportamental Aplicada:

  • Atuou em projetos e na elaboração de cursos, e conduz palestras e workshops.

  • Atualmente, atua em projeto sobre o uso da intuição do empreendedor na criação de startups conduzido pelo grupo de estudos da FEA-USP voltado para o melhor entendimento do processo de tomada de decisão.

  • É co-organizador do Meetup de Ciências Comportamentais Aplicadas de São Paulo e um dos produtores de conteúdo para o blog do GEEC (Grupo de Estudos de Economia Comportamental).


Educação: Economia pela FEA-USP, pós-graduação em Economia Comportamental pela ESPM, Mestre em Administração de Empresas pela FEA-USP com foco em tomada de decisão em grupos.

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Felipe A. Araujo

Academic Partner, Behavioral Economics

Assistant professor of economics at Lehigh University, where he teaches statistics and behavioral economics. Felipe has 7+ years of experience with academic research and teaching, including the design of experiments and applied econometrics. 

In Applied Behavioural Science:

  • Was a co-editor and wrote a chapter for the Guia de Economia Comportamental e Experimental, published in Brazil in 2015

  • Taught experimental methods and design in the MBA in Behavioral Economics at ESPM Business School

  • Has worked on a number of applied behavioral science projects in Brazil, in topics such as drinking and driving, saving for retirement and public utilities.

  • Has published academic articles on experimental methodology and behavioral economics.

Education: Economics at UFJF, Masters in Economics at UFMG, and PhD in Economics at the University of Pittsburgh.


Fernando Nascimento

Data Scientist

He has 10 years of experience in data management and analysis consulting. He works as an associate professor at ESE – Sebrae School of Entrepreneurship, where he is responsible for quantitative methods and data analysis track. He coordinates courses on innovation and entrepreneurship at FIA – Fundação Instituto de Administração in São Paulo, where he is also a professor and a consultant.


In the private sector, he worked in the areas of corporate strategy, procurement and marketing. In the public sector, he was director of the Planetariums of the city of São Paulo. In the third sector, he was the founder and deliberative advisor of the Brazilian chapter of the Open Knowledge Foundation.


Education: PhD. in Business Administration from the University of São Paulo, Bachelor in Physics, with specialization in astronomy, and in Business Administration, both from the University of São Paulo. PMP Certification in Project Management by PMI.

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Cientista comportamental

Tem 10 anos de experiência em mudança comportamental, gestão de projetos, planejamento estratégico, desenvolvimento de lideranças, empreendedorismo e branding:


  • Vem desenhando contextos para mudança comportamental em diversos projetos Nudge, especialmente em redução de inadimplência, saúde, educação, segurança viária, limpeza urbana, transportes e urbanismo

  • Criou a ferramenta NudgeCanvas, um modelo integrativo para elaboração de projetos Nudge

  • Desenvolveu workshop de capacitação em metodologia Nudge para gestores públicos

  • Estruturou programas de desenvolvimento de talentos, com ênfase em ciência comportamental aplicada


Formação: Geógrafa pela UERJ, especialização em Gerenciamento de Projetos pela Fundação CEFET, pós-graduação em Economia Comportamental pela ESPM e Master em Branding pelo Instituto Europeo de Design - IED-Rio.

Christiane Senra

Consultora de filosofia aplicada a organizações

Tem dez anos de experiência conduzindo cursos e palestras em temas com base filosófica e seis anos de experiência em projetos de desenho de interiores organizacionais:


  • Vem conduzindo palestras para melhoria de ambiente e efetividade organizacional

  • Desenhou ambientes organizacionais usando ciência comportamental para melhoria do ambiente de trabalho em diversos setores

  • Produziu ciclo de palestras sobre fundamento filosófico na psicologia


Formação: Filosofia pela PUC-Rio e Arquitetura pela Universidade Cândido Mendes, pós-graduanda em História da Arte e Arquitetura do Brasil pela PUC-Rio.

Sérgio Bastos

Cientista de dados

Especialista em testes controlados e randomizados (RCTs) com experiência em redes neurais e análise estatística multivariada. Vem participando de diversos projetos envolvendo pesquisa e interpretação de dados:


  • Vem estruturando experimentos e analisando resultados de diversos projetos Nudge, incluindo em redução de inadimplência, saúde, educação, segurança viária, limpeza urbana, transportes e urbanismo

  • Desenvolveu workshop de capacitação em metodologia Nudge para gestores públicos

  • Conduziu diversos projetos utilizando análise Big Data e redes neurais 


Formação: Graduado em Física, Mestrado em Engenharia Mecânica pela COPPE/UFRJ, Doutorado em Engenharia de Produção com foco em Métodos Experimentais e Estatística pela PUC-Rio.

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